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牛津译林版高一英语unit1《School life》课件

来源:学大教育 时间:2016-09-08 15:39:07

阅读课件对大家学好课本上的知识有很大的帮助,能够让我们掌握所学的重点内容,这样大家在学习的时候就能做有目的性了,下面学大教育网为大家带来牛津译林版高一英语unit1《School life》课件,供大家阅读和参考,希望能对大家有帮助。

Textual Analysis:

This unit introduces and develops the theme of school life.

(1) In Welcome to the unit, students are presented with four different aspects of school life in the UK and are asked to compare the differences between high schools in the UK and in China. The reading text School life in the UK deals with an article from a school magazine on school life in the UK.

(2) Word power talks about school facilities;

(3) In grammar and usage, students are required to learn the Attributive Clause--- the usages of “that, which, who, whose, whom”.

(4) Task deals with reporting school activities. In the Project section, students will learn how to design a poster.

Teaching aims:

Encourage the Ss to learn the following

(1) Vocabulary: words and phrases

(2) Grammar: the Attributive Clause--- the usages of “that, which, who, whose, whom”

(3) Skills of reading a magazine

(4) Culture: school life; school activities; after-school activities; schoolclubs

Important points & difficult points:

The Attributive Clause; Making a project

Teaching aids:

computer; tape-recorder

Interactive patterns:

teacher-class; pairs; groups

Teaching methods:

Audio-visual method; Direct method; Functional approach

Teaching process:

Welcome to the Unit: (0.5 period)

(1) Warming up questions

(2) Talk about the pictures

(3) More questions

Reading: (1.5 periods)

(1) Lead-in

(2) First reading

(3) Further reading

(4) Text Check

(5) Notes/language points

(6) Exercises

Grammar (task-teaching method) (2 periods)

(1) explanation

(2) exercises

Word power (1.5 periods)

(1) text learning

(2) more exercises

Project (1.5periods)

(1) text learning

(2) more practice

Self-assessment (1 period)/Test (1 period)


Welcome to the Unit: (0.5 period)

(1) Warming up questions

a. What school were you at last term?

b. Why did you choose our senior high school?

c. Are there any differences?

(2) Talk about the pictures

a. Huge campus and low-rise buildings

b. Lockers for every student

c. Fewer students in each class

d. At ease with our teacher

(3) More questions

a. Do you know of any other differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students?

b. What kind of school activities do you enjoy?

c. What is your dream school life like?



1. Going to a foreign high school for some time is very ________(开心) and exciting.

2. Almost no high school students are ___________ (满意)with the school hours in China.

3. I know from my own ____________(经历) how difficult this kind of work can be.

4. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very ___________ (有助)and I enjoyed all my subjects.

5. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just ________ (放松)under a tree or sat on the grass.

6. George Bush was invited to a__________ the APEC held in Shanghai.

7. My English i_________ a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.

8. The paintings that David d__________ to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall.

9. Though it didn’t look l________ a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.

10. British people eat lots of desserts after their m_________ meal.

Reading: (1.5 periods)


How long did Wei Hua stay in Britain?

What was the name of Wei Hua’s class teacher?

What did Wei Hua make in her Woodwork class?

(2) First reading

Exercises: (P4)


(3) Further reading

Make an interview.

S1—S2(Wei Hua)

Write an article about the differences between high schools in the UK and in China.

(4) Text Check

• Going to ____ British high school for one year was ____ very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy ______the school hours in Britain because school ______ around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30p.m. This means I could get up an hour later ________ as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all students went to attend _______ assembly. I sat _______ a girl _______ name was Daniel.We soon became best ______. The best way ______ ____respect from the school was ______ hard and achieve high grades. This sounded ______ my school in China. I _____ many teachers in the past year and they each taught only one ________. Miss Burke was the teacher ______ taught us English literature. This is about the ________ size for British schools. We had to _______ different classrooms _____ different classes. I found the homework was not as _____ as ____I used to get in my old school, but it was a little ________ for me at first because all my homework was ____ English. I felt lucky as all my teachers were _________ and I enjoyed all my subjects. My English _______ a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day _____ English books in the library. I usually e-mailed my family and friends back home _____ at lunchtime. I also had an _____ French class ____ Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really ___ great fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of the term we ____ a class party and we all had to cook something.

(5) Notes/language points


attend v. 参加


According to the law in China, all children between 6 and 14 must attend school. 根据中国法律,六到十四岁的儿童必须上学。

I can’t go with you because I have one or two things to attend to (deal with).我不能和你去,因为我还有一两件事要处理。

attend church 做礼拜;attend the meeting 参加会议


average n. adj. v. 平均的


The average of their study hours a day is 14. How tiring! 他们一天学习的平均时间是14 小时。 多累啊!(名词)

We receive 20 letters a day on average. 我们平均一天收20封信。

What is the average rainfall for July in your city? 你们城市七月份平均降雨量是多少?(形容词)

I average eight hours’ work a day. 我一天平均工作八小时。(动词)


challenging adj. challenge v. n. 挑战


She enjoys challenging problems. 她喜欢挑战性的问题。

I only like to study something if it really challenges me. 我只喜欢学真正能挑战我的东西。


extra adj. adv. n. 额外


An extra loaf of bread was given to Tom. Tom.得到额外的一块面包。

At this hotel a hot bath is an extra. 在这家旅馆,热水洗澡是另外付钱的。


experience n. v. 经历;经验


How many years’ experience do you have of teaching English? 你教书有多少年了?

Don’t correct him all the time---he will learn by/from/through experience.不要一直纠正他,他会从经验中学。

Our journey by camel across Sahara was quite an experience. (抽象名词具体化,指一次经历)

I experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 签证离开那个国家我费了很大的劲。

Many people can drive at present, but they need to learn to be experienced at repairing cars.目前许多人会开车,还需学习会修车。


develop v. 发展


In less than ten years, it develops from a seed to a full-grown tree.不到十年,它从一个小种子长成一棵大树。

Our holiday films haven’t been developed yet. 假日的胶卷还没冲洗。

Some countries are well developed while a lot more are developing countries.有些国家很发达,而更多的是发展中国家。


cover v. 盖;报道


The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands. 噪音太高,她用手捂住耳朵。

Many reporters have been sent to cover the football games.已派了许多记者去报道足球赛。

The course covers both business and law. 这门课涉及商业和法律。


regret n. & v. 遗憾


He expressed his regret about the opportunity he missed.他失去那个机会,很遗憾。

I regret to say the seat has been taken. 对不起,座位有人坐了。

How I regret having wasted so much time when I should have studied.我多么后悔我浪费了本该学习的时间。


inform v. 通知 information n. 信息


No one informed him of/about the decision. 没有人通知他决定。

I informed him that I would not be able to attend his party. 我告诉他我不能参加他的宴会。

We have received information that they may have left the country. 我们得到信息他们可能已离开那个国家。


run v. 跑,经营


The water ran for hours before the leak was found.漏洞发现之前,水已流了数小时。

Many married women manage to go out to work and run home as well.许多结婚的女人又工作又理家。

I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a second-hand shop. 在一家二手店里,我偶尔见到他的一张早期唱片。

Bob asked my father to lend him 500 dollars because he was running short of money. Bob要我爸爸借500美元给他,因为他缺钱。


host n. 主人;


At the end of the party we thanked our host and went home. 在晚会结束时,我们谢谢主人后回家。

We are proud China is the host country for the 2008 Olympic Games. 我们非常骄傲中国主办2008年奥林匹克运动会。


require v. 需要


Your suggestion requires further thought. 你的建议需要进一步思考。

The situation requires that we (should) take immediate action.情形需要我们采取立刻行动。

All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有的乘客需要出示篇。

The floor requires/needs/wants cleaning. 地板需要清洗。


requirement n.需要

Whatever he did never met his father’s requirements. So he left home.他无论做什么,都不能满足他爸爸的要求,所以,他离家出走了。




1. exciting 令人激动的 (主语往往具有使他人或它物激动的性质)

excited 激动的(主语因某事或某物而变得激动)


an exciting film/ football match 令人激动的电影/足球赛

The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. 激动的孩子门打开圣诞礼物。

She is very excited about getting a part in the film. 她在那部电影里得到一个角色非常激动。



2. used to过去常常做某事,后接动词原形(used to do sth)

be/get/become used to 习惯于某事或习惯于做某事,后接名词或动名词(be/get/become used to sth./doing sth)

be used to do sth. 被用来做某事,是use sth to dosth的被动形式


People used to think that the Earth was flat. 过去人们常常认为地球是方的。

I never got used to going to bed so late. 我从来不习惯这么晚睡觉。

I’m used to the noise after living here for so many years.在这里住了多年后已习惯吵闹声。

We used the money to buy a new car.我决定用这笔钱买一辆新车。

Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.在许多公司,计算机被用来做很多工作。




3. for example例如,后可以接句子;还可以跟在名词后;

like和such as 如,后接名词


Many animals can do nothing but sleep in winter, like frogs and snakes.冬天,许多动物冬眠,如青蛙和蛇。

We have planted several flowers, such as roses and lilies.我们已种了几种花,如玫瑰和百合。

Now not all people go to work in their offices. For example, some young men can stay at home while they work, which is called “SOHO”. 不是所有的人在办公室工作。如有些年轻人在家工作,被称为“SOHO”族。

I know many women who have a career and a family---Alice for example.我认识许多女人事业家庭都不错,如艾丽丝。




4. at the end of在…末端,可以指时间或地点;

by the end of 到…末为止 句子谓语动词常常用过去完成时或将来完成时

in the end 最后,类似的有finally 和at last,但at last强调费劲后终于…


At the end of August, we are back at school. 不月末,我们回到学校。

By the end of last month, they had received 100 gold medals.到上个月末为止,他们已获得100枚金牌。

By the end of this year, they will have travelled around the world.到今年年末,他们已经环游了世界。

He tried several times to pass the exam, and in the end he succeeded. 为通过考试他试了几次,最后成功了。




5. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(还未做) forget doing sth. 曾做过某事,忘了


Please remember to hand in your homework tomorrow. 请记得明天交作业。

He remembered locking the door. But he couldn’t find his key. 他记得锁了门,但他找不到钥匙。

He forgot to tell me the news. So I didn’t know. 他忘了告诉我那消息,所以我不知道。

He forgot telling me the news. He told me again. 他忘了告诉我那消息,又讲了一遍。



6. prepare for为…做准备相当于 make preparations for

be prepared for 强调心理做准备

for preparation 为准备,介词短语

get sth. ready 为…做准备


Have you prepared a meal for your parents? 你为你父母准备过饭了吗?

They are making preparations for the Queen’s visit.他们在为女皇的到来做准备。

Will you help me prepare for the party? 你愿意帮我准备晚会吗?

There are plenty of courses that prepare students for English exams. 有大量为学生备考英语的课程。

Mother is not prepared to listen to my weak excuses. 妈妈不愿听我的借口。

Before exams, there are always a lot to do for preparation.考试前,总有许多事要准备。

To welcome the honoured guest, we have got everything ready.为了欢迎尊贵的客人,我们一切都准备好了。






1. be happy with 对…满意


My boss is never happy with my work.我老板对我的工作从不满意。

Most people were happy with their choices at first; soon they felt bored.大多数人开始都满意自己的选择,但不久就厌倦了。


2. become friends 成为朋友 be friends 是朋友; make friends with与…交朋友


They soon forgot their differences and were friends again. 他们不久就忘了分歧,再次成为朋友。

David finds it hard to make friends with other children. 大卫发觉很难与别的孩子交朋友。


3. for free 免费


I got this ticket for free from Tom, who didn’t want it. (for nothing) 我没花钱从汤姆那儿弄到票,他不要。

Children under five usually travel free on trains. 五岁以下的儿童乘车不要钱。


4. at assembly 在集会上


The headmaster told us all the school rules at assembly. 集会上校长告诉了我们所有的校规。

此短语中没有冠词,再如:at school 在上学;at work在工作;at lunch在吃午饭等。


5.think of 想起


You can’t expect me to think of everything. 你不要指望我每件事都想到。

They are thinking of moving to America. 他们在考虑搬到美国去。


6. pay attention to 注意


You must give your full attention to your work. 你必须把你的注意力全放在工作上。

He managed to draw readers’ attention to his works. 他设法吸引读者注意他的作品。


7. next to 紧挨


Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa. 彼得紧挨着P 做在沙发上。

Next to skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey. 他最喜欢滑雪,再就是曲棍球。


8. be available for 可用的/可得到的


Tickets are available at the box. 票房能买到票。

You must make yourself personally available for paying the bills.你必须能个人付这些账单。


9.graduate from 从…毕业


She graduated from Oxford with a degree in law. 她从牛津大学毕业,或法律学位。

She left school and went to the countryside.她中学毕业去乡下了。


10.develop an interest in doing sth. 发展做…的兴趣


类似的短语:be interested in… 对…感兴趣;

feel/have/show/express (an) interest in…对…感兴趣

Now he has grown up, he no longer takes any interest in collecting stamps. 他已长大,不再对集邮感兴趣。

A good teacher should help children develop an interest in learning instead of making them learn.



11 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事


Keep me informed of/ about whatever happens there. 那里不管发生什么事,让我知道。

He is well-informed of everybody else’s business. 别人的事他都知道。


12.be responsible for 对…负责


All pilots are responsible for their passengers’ safety. 所有的飞行员要对他们的乘客安全负责。

Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. 抽烟引起肺癌。



1. He also told us the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.他也告诉我从学校获得尊敬的最好办法是认真学习和取得高分。

(1)the way to do sth 做某事的方法。不定式做定语;也可以说成:the/a way of doing sth

My English teacher has a strange way of making our lessons interesting and lively.

The only way she thought of to get help at that moment was to send signal by firing.

(2)be to do sth不定式做表语

动词不定式用在连系动词后,作表语。常见的连系动词有be, seem等。作主语的名词通常是duty, wish, hope, idea, plan, purpose 等。

My wish at the age of 12 was to become a policeman when I grew up.

My job is to help the patient.

It seems to be an interesting book.

2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. 我发觉家庭作业不像过去在的学校那么多,但开始对我有点挑战,因为所有的作业都是英文的。

(1) as + adj./adv (原级) + as 否定时: not as/so + adj./adv (原级) +[MVC:PAGE]

They are as clever as anyone else in their class. They get low marks because they are lazy.


The newly-made car runs twice faster than any old one of its type.

This room is one third as large as yours.

(2) what I used to get in my old school 相当于the homework I used to do in my old school,与as构成比较状语。

It’s still as beautiful as what we once saw.

She doesn’t run as fast as she used to.

3. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.尽管当它完成的时候不像桌子,我仍然很喜欢它。

Though/Although引导让步状语从句,主句不要再用连词and, but等;但可以用副词still。

Though/Although there were many more guests at the party, they managed to get enough glasses for all.

Though引导让步状语从句时,可以倒装;也可以用as, 但用as必须倒装。此结构中不用although。

Young though/as he is, he knows a lot.

Child though/as he is, he knows how to deal with the difficult situation.注意:child前不用冠词。

4. First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我来向你们自我介绍一下。

祈使句的用法:动词需用原形,常见的有:(1)让我/我们做…(Let’s/ Let me do…) ;(2)让对方做…

Let’s go outing this weekend.

Find a good book to read whenever possible.

Tom, go and get your coat. It’s behind the door. (这不是第三人称,而是吩咐Tom去做文章)

Don’t leave the light on when there is no one in the room.

Never speak ill of others. (否定句时强调用never)

5. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article.我的确饭后喜欢吃甜点心,正如你文章里提到的。


He does come here earlier than anyone else in his class every morning.

He did tell a lie when he was asked where he was that night.

Do be careful while crossing the street.

6. I didn’t realize how different schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article. 直到我读了你文章后才知道英国的学校与中国的有多么的不同。

not …until 直到…才 until引导时间状语/时间状语从句。指将来的事,时间状语从句中一般现在时态。

You won’t find the book interesting until you have covered the first 50 pages.

He didn’t go to bed until 11 o’clock/his mother came back.

7.Upon doing… 的用法

问:(1)怎样理解“Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.”中的“Upon doing sth.”?

答:Upon/On doing sth. 一…就;此句意思:他一完成学业,就在中国旅行。

也可用as soon as ;the moment; immediately等引导的时间状语从句。即:

As soon as he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

The moment he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

Immediately he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

Upon/On arriving home, my mother started cooking. 妈妈一到家就烧饭。

Upon/On 后也可接名词,意思不变。

Upon/On her arrival at home, my mother started cooking.

On/Upon hearing the news, she burst into tears. 一听到那个消息,她就哭起来。

8.more than, other than, rather than 的区别

问:(2)“Our club is much more than just music.”中 more than是什么意思?

答:我们的俱乐部远不止音乐。more than …还多;不止

We are more than happy to hear of the success of their team.听到他们对成功,我们非常高兴。

We were excited that the company was more than willing to offer us what we needed.那家公司很乐意提供我们所需要的,我们很激动。

类似的短语如other than和rather than;

other than 常用于否定句中,意思相当于except。

There was nothing we could do other than wait.我们除了等待什么也不能做。

You can’t get there other than by boat.你只能乘船去那里。

One can experience four seasons a day in no country other than Britain.一个人只有在英国才能一天经历四个季节。

rather than 而不是, 后接各种形式的搭配(名词/动词原形/动名词/从句),但必须并列结构。

Rather than cause trouble, he left. 不愿引起麻烦,他离开了。

The job will take months rather than weeks. It’s no easy at all.根本就不容易,这工作要花数月而不是几周。

It was what he did rather than what he said that interested me. 是他所做的而不是他所说的让我感兴趣。

9.just 用法之一---加强语气。

问:(2)“Our club is much more than just music.”中just是什么用法?


Answer me, don’t just stand there laughing.回答我,不要只是站在那里笑。(only)

That’s just my luck.我运气总是不好。(exactly)

I’ve never seen anyone run so fast---just watch David.我从没看到谁跑这么快,看David。

(6) Exercises

Grammar (task-teaching method) (2 periods)


定语从句简介(Attributive clauses)


关系代词: 先行词为人:who, whom, that, whose 先行词为物:which, that, whose

关系副词: when, where, why

结合本单元我们学习关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose引导定语从句的用法。

I. 关系代词 that引导的定语从句


Great changes that have never been seen before appear in the countryside.

(that在从句中作主语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,不能省略。因that修饰先行词 changes,故定语从句谓语用复数)

My brother works in a shop that sells CDs. (that在从句中作主语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,不能省略。 因that修饰先行词 a shop,故定语从句谓语用第三人称单数)

Is Abby the person that gives advice to readers that have trouble with their life? (此句中含两个定语从句;that在定语从句中都作主语,不省略,可用who代替,不用which。)

The watch that I bought yesterday works well. (that在从句中作宾语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,能省略。)

Luckily none of the people that I know were killed in the accident. (that在从句中作宾语,指人,可用who或whom,不用which代替,能省略。)


We talk about the superstars and their works that are well known in our country.

II. 关系代词 which引导的定语从句


The earthquake which happened in Tangshan was terrible. (which在定语从句中都作主语,不省略,可用that,不用who。)

The house which they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake. (which在定语从句中都作宾语,可省略,可用that, 不用who。)

III. 关系代词 who引导的定语从句


I was the only person in my office who was invited to go to the palace ball. (who在从句中作主语,指人,可用that代替,不用which,不能省略。)

Don’t you have a friend who might give you a hand?

IV. 关系代词 whom引导的定语从句


Don’t you have a friend whom/who/that/- you might turn to when you have trouble any time?

V. 关系代词 whose引导的定语从句


Please pass me the book whose cover is red.(指物)

The lawyer whose name is Wang Jin lives in Nanjing.(指人)

that, which, who, whom, whose 的特殊用法

I. 关系代词that与which;that与who的一些特殊用法:


1) 先行词是all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none, few, little, much等不定代词;或是先行词被all, every, some, any, no, few, little等修饰时:

Is there anything (that) I can do for you in town?

I have read all the books (that) you gave me.


There is something that/which keeps worrying me. “有一件事一直令我不安。”

2) 先行词被形容词最高级或有序数词the first, the second…, the last修饰时:

This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.

The first place (that) we’ll visit is the Great Wall.

3) 先行词被the only,the very修饰时:

The only thing that matters is to find our way home.

This is the very book (that) I’ve been looking for.

4) 先行词既有人又有物时:

They talked about the persons and things (that) they remembered in the school.

5) 当主句是由who或which引导的特殊问句时,为避免重复,定语从句中常用that:

Who is the man that is standing by the door?

Which is the dictionary (that) you bought yesterday?

当先行词是anyone, those, he, she等代词表“人”时,一般用who而不用that:

Anyone who wants a ticket please sign your name here.

Those who want to go to the English party must be at the school gate by 7:30 p.m.

He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.


He is no longer the man that he used to be.

II. 关系代词whose的特殊用法(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换, of which可置于其所修饰的名词前或后; 若指人, 可以同of whom互换)。例如:

Please pass me the book whose cover is green.(指物)

=Please pass me the book the cover of which(of which the cover) is green.

The doctor, whose name was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.(指人)

=The doctor, the name of whom was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.

III. 介词 + which/whom引导的定语从句

1) 介词 + which引导的定语从句, 此结构中,不能用that。which不能省略。介词的选用可根据从句中的相关词组确定,该介词通常可以放在关系代词之前,也可放在从句之尾,这时可用that/which引导从句,也可省略。

The room in which there is a machine is a workshop.

The room that/which/- there is a machine in is a workshop.


Is this the book (which/that) you are looking for? ( 这里介词for不提前,因为look for是固定词组,意为“寻找”,介词for若被提前,单个的look意为“看”,句意不符。)

2) 介词 + whom引导的定语从句,此结构中,不能用that也不用who。whom不能省略。

The man with whom my English teacher shook hands was from Harvard University.


The man who/whom/that/- my English teacher shook hands with was from Harvard University.




1. All ____ is needed is a supply of oil. ( NMET89 )

A. the thing    B. that      C. what     D. which


2.He paid the boys $10 for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at

least a year. ( NMET90 )

A. these     B. those      C. that      D. which


3.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ she could turn for help. ( NMET92 )

A. that    B. who     C. from whom    D. to whom

点拨:本题考查定语从句中介词加关系代词的用法。根据句意“向某人求助”是turn to

sb. for help,其中介词to可提前,故答案为D。本句也可以如下表达:In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person (who/whom/that) she could turn to for help.)

4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the

others unhappy. ( 2000 )

A .who   B. which   C. this    D. what


的角色,这件事当然令他人不快。”指代前面所说的整句话,用which。故答案为B。从句中插入of course增加了考测难度,解题时可先把它忽略。


5.①John is the only one of the students who ____ French.

②John is one of the students who ____ French.

A.know   B.knows    C.knowing D.known

点拨:答案是①B②A。在句①中的句意是“约翰是学生中唯一懂法语的那个学生”,其重心是the only one故从句谓语动词应与one一致。在句②中的句意是“约翰是懂法语的学生中的一个”,也就是“懂法语的学生不止一个,约翰只是其中之一”,其重心是the students,故从句中谓语动词应与students一致。

6.①This is the knife ____ I usually cut my pencil.

②This is the knife ____ I usually use to cut my pencil.

A.with which B.which C.by which D.with that

点拨:答案是①A②B。在句①中,定语从句的句式是cut my pencil with the knife,故用with which引导定语从句。在句②中,定语从句的结构是use the knife to cut my pencil,故用which引导定语从句。

7.①Who lives in the house ____ windows face south?

② Who lives in the house ____ the windows face south?

A.whose B.which C.of which D.that

点拨:答案是①A②C。在句①中windows前没有定冠词,它所缺的是定语形容词,而whose的用法就是在定语从句中作定语且既可指人也可指物。在句②中windows前有定冠词,所以要填的内容不能作前置定语,又因为“房子的窗户”用英语表达是“the windows of the house”,故可用of which引导定语从句。

8.①Is this factory ____ you visited last year?

②Is this the factory ____ you visited last year?

A.that B.of which C.the one D.where

点拨:答案是①C②A。在句①中factory前没有定冠词,这说明this是作它的定语。这样,句中就缺少表语,也就是说定语从句缺少先行词,故选C(the one后省略了that)。在句②中this作主语,the factory作表语,其后带一个that引导的定语从句,故选A。

9.①When I have trouble,he is the only one ____I can ask for help.

②When I have trouble,he is the only one ____ I can go for help.

A.whom B.to whom C.which D.to who

点拨:答案是①A②B。句①中,在结构上所要添的内容在从句中作ask的宾语其句式是ask sb.for sth.,故用whom引导定语从句。在句②中,go是不及物动词其句式是go to sb.for sth.,故用to whom引导定语从句。

10.①The reason ____ he gave us was that his car broke down on the way.

②The reason ____he was late was that his car broke down on the way.

A.for which B.which C.how D.what

点拨:答案是①B②A。在句①中,所要填的内容在定语从句中应作gave的宾语,故应填关系代词which。在句②中,所要填的内容在定语从句中作原因状语,故应填关系副词for which(=why)。

Unit 1语法专练

I. 单项选择

1. You’d better not drink water _____ has not been boiled.

A. which B. whom C. whose D. who

2. The director and his movie ___ you have just talked about are really popular.

A. who B. which C. that D. of whom

3. He regrets buying the dog ______ was very old and died the next month.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

4. This is the house _______ my father bought on a rainy evening.

A. which B. that C. / D. all of the above

5. She is my former classmate _______ handwriting is very good.

A. whom B. whose C. of whom D. which

6. Is the girl your friend _______ you shook hands just now?

A. which B. that C. to whom D. with whom

7. In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions ____ were asked in French.

A. where   B. who C. which    D. what

8. Didn't you see the man ________ I nodded to just now?

A. which B. whom C. whose D. to which

9. I can't find the gold ring _______ I spent 100 dollars.

A. that B. on which C. which D. in which

10. The radio set ____ I bought last week has gone wrong.

A. / B. for which C. over which D. what

答案:1-5 ACDDB 6-10 DCBBA

II. 改写同义句

1. Wei Fang is the student and her home caught fire last night.

Wei Fang is the student_______________ caught fire last night.

2. This is the book .He is looking for it.

This is the book_______________.

3. He built a telescope that he could study the skies through.

He built a telescope _____________ he could study the skies.

4. The roof of the house was broken and has now been repaired.

The roof ____________ was broken has now been repaired.

5. The person I spoke to just now is our schoolmaster.

The person ____________ I spoke just now is our schoolmaster.

III. 单句改错

1. Mr Green is always working hard should get a rise.

2. I, who is your good friend, will try my best to help you.

3. It was a meeting that importance I didn’t realize at that time.

4. Children eat a lot of sweets or chocolate often have bad teeth.

5. Is this the horse that you spent five hours drawing it yesterday?

6. The students who has finished the exercises may leave the classroom now.

7. My glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.

8. They talked for about an hour of persons which they remembered in the school.

9. The boss whose department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.

10. Chaplin, for who money was now no problem, started a new film company with his friends.

Word power (1.5 periods) School facilities

(1) text learning

(2) more exercises

Step 1 初步运用单词


(Wan Fei is waiting for Gao Lin in a meeting room.)

Wan Fei: Hi, this is Wan Fei speaking. Gao Lin, Where are you now? The lecture is starting in five minutes.

Gao Lin: Hi, Wan Fei. I’m at the school (1) e__________. What is the (2) q_________ way to get the lecture hall?

Wan Fei: On the left you can see our school (3) c_________. Walk towards it first and go (4) b________ the canteen and the gym, then turn right, walk (5) p_________the science laboratory and go straight on.

Gao Lin: It’s a little bit puzzling.

Wan Fei: Don’t be (6) w_________. Walk on. Bye!

(Gao Lin walks on. Two minutes later, he calls again.)

Gao Lin: Oh, I can see the science laboratory now.

Wan Fei: Go straight on and you can see the (7) s__________ pool. Our lecture hall is (8)n________ to it.

Gao Lin: Thank you. See you!

Wan Fei: See you!

Keys: (1) entrance (2) quickest (3) canteen (4) between (5) past (6) worried (7) swimming (8) next

Step 2重点知识解析

根据句意,从more than / other than / rather than 中选出适合的短语填入下列各句:

(1) We are much ___________happy to hear of the success of their team.

(2)There was nothing we could do __________ wait.

(3) ____________ cause trouble, he left.

(4)We were excited that the company was _____________willing to offer us what we needed.

(5)The job will take months _____________ weeks. It’s no easy at all.

(6)You can’t get there _______________ by boat.

Keys: (1) more than (2) other than (3) Rather than (4) more than (5) rather than (6) other than

more than 不止,超过,非常,表示程度。

other than 常用于否定句中,意思相当于except。

rather than 而不是, 后接各种形式的搭配(名词/动词原形/动名词/从句),但必须并列结构。

Step 3 单词拓展运用

1 根据短文内容,填入适当的词

(下文是Dunman High School (DHS)学生会的新生欢迎稿,可是有些词语漏掉了,请帮助补完。)

Welcome to Dunman High School (DHS)

You have many reasons to smile at DHS. It has much more than you (1)___________. There are 50 classrooms, and a (2) _____________ with 20, 000 books. It is open at weekdays. Chinese and English are (3) ______________ for all students. Our gym is open every day. You may (4)_______________ there and have fun as well (5)____________ you like. Students who live far away from home will be (6)_________ with our dormitories. Each room comes with its own (7)___________ and Internet (8)___________. You can get help at the medical (9)___________ when you are not yourself.

Life will be very easy here. I hope you will enjoy life at DHS. Tomorrow afternoon you will be given a warm welcome to DHS with carefully planned activities on the playground. They are (10)____________ to break the ice and build friendship between you and the seniors.

If you have any questions and need any help, come to the Students’ Office or call us any time weekdays.

2 用框中单词或词组的适当形式填空

expect come find think of need

available next to serve look at read

(1) You can’t expect me _________everything, OK? You see, I’m always busy with my work.

(2) ___________skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey.

(3) You must make yourself personally ____________for paying the bills.

(4) It’s easy to __________ children’s thoughts by looking at their expressions.

(5) They have better players. They _________to win the game.

(6) They got separated from their friends and couldn’t ________ their way back.

(7) I didn’t _________to go to the bank---I borrowed some money from my brother.

(8) Three meals __________ in most places in China. People in Southeast Asian countries usually have four meals a day.

(9) It is said that no classroom in Singapore ________with air conditioners though it is always hot there and the country is a rich one.

(10) When he was young, he liked travelling to different cities. He would travel by ________the map of the city he visited by bus.

3 根据右栏中的解释,进行左右栏配对

(1) beam A joined bars for players to climb

(2) court B thick pad, for competitors to land on

(3) skipping rope C length of solid material with a changeable weight at each end

(4) climbing bars D indoor or outdoor space marked for basketball or similar ball games

(5) dumb-bell E a large long heavy piece of wood

(6) barbell F a short bar with a weight at each end for exercising the arms and shoulders

(7) mat G length of rope with handles at each end

4 根据中文意思,请完成下列句子

I have been an assistant manager since I _______________ (毕业) college last summer. I __________ (负责) all the Nike shoes which are sold in our city. Every morning I __________ (注意) everything, even the smallest things. I make every effort to please my customers. Many of my customers have become my friends. Last Spring Festival(春节), a little boy came to buy shoes. Unluckily, there were no shoes _______________ (可得到的) in his size. I told him I would ____________ (通知) him as soon as I got his size. My boss is very __________(满意) with my work. In fact, the work is hard, and I ___________ (总是想起) the beautiful days I spent at school. In my spare time, I _______________(发展) an interest in making toys with all kinds of used materials.

Project (1.5periods)

(1) text learning

Reporting school activities

Step 1 词汇学习


( Cindy is a senior one student now. She writes to her cousin Peter for some help.)

Dear Peter,

How are you now? I find English more interesting but more difficult. We (1) u_________ to learn what our teachers told us to. Now we are often divided into small (2) g__________. We are often told to make (3) d___________ourselves, discuss what to do and then spend much time collecting (4) i_____________ to do many different activities. It’s great fun, but we can’t find enough time. As you know, we have lots of homework every day. Will you give me some (5) a ___________?

When I (6) v________ you last time, you told me to spend more time reading. You (7) m___________ a book. It told the true story of an Indian child yogi (瑜伽论者) who left his home at the age of 11 to travel for seven years on a 12, 000km journey. I can’t remember the (8) t_______ of the book but I remember it had the word “India” in it. Will you help me get it?

Best wishes,


Step2 语言运用

1 请读下面说明,写一份通知

(To celebrate the Teachers’ Day of 2005, the Students Union has planned to hold a party. They have carefully prepared some programmes, like singing, dancing, piano concerto, playing erhu. The party will be held at 3:00pm on the Teachers’ Day in our playground. You are the monitor of your class. Your class teacher has asked you to tell your classmates about the party.)


I’m happy to inform you that _____________________________________________________



Step 3 技能训练

1 比较信息,做出决定

Your oral English teacher Guy from London wants to learn Chinese music, Chinese painting and Chinese cooking in your class together with you. He wants to get your help, for he knows little Chinese. However, he has to give lessons to all the 16 classes in your grade. Help him to find the lessons he can attend by comparing his timetable and your class timetable.

Guy’s Timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Reading time

1st period

2nd period Class 1

3rd period Class 5 Class 2 C13 Class 9

4th period Class 4 Class 3 C 8 Class12


5th period Class 6 Class 7 C10 Class 14

6th period Class 15 C 16

7th period Class 11

8th period

Your class timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Reading time Chinese/English

1st period Chinese Maths English Chinese Maths

2nd period Maths Chinese Maths Maths Chinese Music

3rd period English History Chemistry English Chinese

4th period Geography Chemistry Chinese Painting Physics Politics


5th period Oral English Chinese Music Geography Chemistry PE

6th period Physics PE Physics History Chinese Painting

7th period Politics Computer Science Activities (cooking/sewing) PE Self-study

8th period Class meeting Games Library Class

Keys: Guy can attend Chinese Music on Tue (5th period) & Fri (2nd period).

He can also attend Chinese Cooking on Wed (7th and 8th periods).

He can only attend Chinese Painting on Fri ( 6th period).[MVC:PAGE]

2 阅读下面信息,制作学校活动安排表

(1) More and more students spend less time in studying Chinese. Some even pay little attention to Chinese culture. A Chinese professor from a famous university will be invited to give a lecture on “the importance of Chinese” on Monday, Sept 12. It starts at 4:00pm and lasts two hours in Room 101, Science Building.

(2) Some students are interested in becoming DJ. A famous DJ from the city broadcasting station will come to our school to give a lecture on “Hosting” on Wed, Sept 14. It starts at 3:30 pm and ends at 6:00pm in Room 304, Building 3.

Date Day Time Venue Subject Speaker

3 比较信息,找出你要的电影DVD光盘

The other day you went to your classmate Li Bin’s home. He was watching a film. You just watched the end of it. It was really exciting. Unluckily, you can’t remember the name of the film but you remember it had a word “Dragon” in it. You also remember it was not a recent film, directed by a famous American director. The actor acted in many films made in Hollywood. Now you want to borrow its DVD disc. In the shop you see the following discs and you want to choose the right one.

Numbers Year Name Director Famous actor/actress

(1) 2001 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Ang Lee Zhang Ziyi

Chow Yun-Fat

(2) 1994 Jui Kuen II Jackie Chan Chia-Liang Liu Jackie Chan Wai Yee Chen

(3) 2005 Seven Swords Hark Tsui Leon Lai

Zidan Zhen Charlie Yeung

(4) 2004 House of Flying Daggers Zhang Yimou Zhang Ziyi

(5) 1972 Return of the Dragon Bruce Lee Bruce Lee Chuck Norris

(6) 1973 Enter the Dragon Robert Clouse Bruce Lee

(7) 2004 Gong fu Stephen Chou Stephen Chou Lam Chi Chung

(2) more practice

Step 1词汇训练


Believe it or not, two years ago CD players were not (1) a_________ in school. Almost everyone was fond of (2) m_________. I asked the headmaster about my plan to (3) s________ a radio club to play music during break time. I was very happy that he (4) a________the idea. Our club was born in time. It is much (5) m________ than just music. Students are told about the weather and (6) r_______ news and (7) s_________messages from the school or from our teachers. We also use our club to give messages to our close friends and teachers. Songs (8) s________ by famous singers or students in our school are played in the late afternoon. After we have finished a day’s hard work, the beautiful music makes us completely relaxed.

Step 2重点语言知识解析

1 根据句意,从at the end of / by the end of / in the end中选出适合的短语填入下列各句:

(1)__________________ August each year, students and teachers are back at school.

(2)__________________ last month, they had received 100 gold medals.

(3) __________________this year, they will have travelled around the world.

(4) He tried several times to pass the exam, and _______________he succeeded.

Keys: (1) At the end of (2) By the end of (3) By the end of (4) in the end

at the end of 在…末端,可以指时间或地点;

by the end of 到…末为止 句子谓语动词常常用过去完成时或将来完成时

in the end 最后,类似的有finally 和at last,但at last强调费劲后终于…

2 用prepare完成下列各句,注意词性的变化

(1) Have you _____________ a meal for your parents?

(2) They are making ______________for the Queen’s visit.

(3) Will you help me ___________for the party?

(4) There are plenty of courses that _________ students for English exams.

(5) Mother is not ___________ to listen to my weak excuses.

(6) We have done a lot, and will do even more for the 2008 Olympic Games for________.

1 介词填空

(1) My flat is _________ the end of the street. It’s ten minutes’ ride.

(2) The bill came to £10, ________ £1 for postage.

(3) The chairman promised to come, but he hasn’t come. Now we have to start _______ him.

(4) Suddenly he came up ________ a good solution to the problem.

(5) Some teachers in our city have organized English Salon. They meet _____ the last Monday of every month to search for better ways to teach English.

(6) The films “Harry Potter” are all based ________ the novels written by JK Rowling.

(7) Before exams, there are always a lot to do ________ preparation.

(8) After learning the project, we all know what a poster consists ________.

2 翻译下列各句,学习一词多义

(1)The water ran for hours before the leak was found.

(2) Many married women manage to go out to work and run home as well.

(3)I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a second-hand shop.

(4)Bob asked my father to lend him 500 dollars because he was running short of money.

(5) Do you know all the Disney parks are run by the same company?

3 请用括号内所给动词的正确形式来填空

(1) I chose an old tree and ________ all my group members around it. Then I read my poem out.(circle)

(2) If you listen to each other _________ about poems, you will all make progress.(talk)

(3) The students who __________ very soon have already started to look for job.(graduate)

(4) He wanted to design a poster ____________ a new school club “Tomorrow’s Art”. (advertise)

(5) Our class teacher has told us to have the classroom windows ______ once a week.(clean)

(6) Her latest novel has become a best-seller. It _____________many readers ever since it came out. (attract)

(7) At sixteen, Bill Clinton made up his mind to become President of the USA. He worked hard ______________ his goal and finally he succeeded. (achieve)

(8) The poster will have to ____________ based on the ideas from the previous research and discussion. (draft)

(9) We put our poster on the school display wall as our teacher told us to and let as many students ________up as possible. (sign)

(10) All passengers __________to show their tickets. (require)

4 用框中单词或词组的适当形式填空

attend earn experience run drop develop

cover regret inform host approve require

1. The wind blew from the desert and _________ everything with sand.

2. He is busy ___________ the radio club of our school.

3. “I have done all that is ___________by law.” he shouted.

4. The place has ___________from a fishing port into a tourist centre.

5. They had a quiet wedding---only a few friends _________ it.

6. ---Some money is missing. ---Have you __________ the police?

7. She __________ her living by singing in a night club.

8. She doesn’t want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents don’t __________of him.

9. One can _____________pleasure, pain, difficulty and all kinds of feelings.

10. If you give it up now, you’ll__________.

5你和你的同学正在做一个有关组建新的学校社团的计划, 为了使这个社团的运转和谐高效, 请你制定一个社团成员们共同遵守的规则, 并用英语写成一张海报.规则内容必须包括:

What the members will need to bring:

When the club will meet:

What you will do at the meetings:

Title of club:___________

Purpose of club__________


Self-assessment (1 period)



I. 根据中文和首字母填空 (10题)

1. There was nothing special about the film---it was only __________(普通).

2. Looking after a baby is as _________ (挑战)as working on a new job, do you think so?

3. I’m going to work ______(额外)hard this term.

4. To carry out the new plan would ________(需要)increasing our staff by 50 %.

5. From small beginning, it has __________(发展)into a big international company.

6. I u__________ to play computer games a lot, but now I never get the time.

7. The e________ expression on his face showed he had won the game.

8. Please keep me i___________ of any developments in your area.

9. The room c__________ an area of 20 square metres.

10. We have done a lot, and will do even more for the 2008 Olympic Games for p____________.

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (10题)


attend, earn, experience, drop, develop, cover, regret, inform, run, host, approve, require

1. The wind blew from the desert and _________ everything with sand.

2. He is busy ___________ the radio club of our school.

3. “I have done all that is ___________by law.” he shouted.

4. The place has ___________from a fishing port into a tourist centre.

5. They had a quiet wedding---only a few friends _________ it.

6. ---Some money is missing. ---Have you __________ the police?

7. She __________ her living by singing in a nightclub.

8. She doesn’t want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents don’t __________of him.

9. One can _____________pleasure, pain, difficulty and all kinds of feelings.

10. If you give it up now, you’ll__________.

III. 词语辨析 (10题)


1.The most famous ____________ park in the world is Disneyland.( exciting /excited)

2. After three weeks, she got used to________ in the desert. ( live /living)

3. A hammer is used to _______ nails. (drive / driving)

4. Life here is much easier than it__________. ( used to be / was used to be)

5. I’ll never forget _________ my daughter dancing in public for the first time. (seeing / to see)

6. ---Don’t forget_________ your homework here tomorrow. ---No, I won’t. ( bring /to bring)

7. My flat is __________ the street. It’s ten minutes’ ride. ( by the end of/ at the end of)

8. He tried many kinds of work; ________ he became a postman.( by the end /in the end)

9. I knew there were problems, but I was not __________for it. (prepared /preparing)

10. He is ___________ his daughter for the Oral English Competition by. (prepared / preparing)

Test (1 period)


I.根据课文内容填空 (1 篇短文10 空)

Next week I’ll go back to China.

I have experienced a different way of life in a high school in Manchester for a year. Here school hours are much_________. All lessons are in English. Luckily, my teachers are all________. All students have to study Maths, English and Science, but can _______ some subjects if they don’t like them. They can _________ other subjects. It was _______ that we learned to cook. At the class_______ we all had to cook something. I made a big cake. In _________ class I made a table. It didn’t look like a table at all. However, for a student, the best way to earn ________from the school was ___________ hard and achieve high ________. This sounded like schools in China.

II.单项选择(10 题)

1. When you are in a foreign country, you may miss ______ Chinese food a lot. As a result, you hope to have ______ big supper after a tiring day.

A. /; a B. a; a C. /; / D. a; /

2. At Christmas we needn’t go to school. We could get up later ______.

A. as common B. than common C. as usual D. than usual

3. _____ the first day all students gathered on the playground. We learned a lot about the school.

A. On B. In C. At D. During

4. Miss Burke was the teacher ______ taught us English Literature.

A. she B. who C. whose D. which

5. ______ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer.

A. Swim B. Swimming C. Go swimming D. To swim

6. It’s really enjoyable to stay here in China. All my new friends are __________.

A. help B. helpless C. helpful D. of little help

7. Last month I came to Britain. My English has improved a lot _____ I use it anytime.

A. since B. while C. when D. as

8. You say my English has improved. You don’t know how many hours I have spent ______ English books in the school library _________ progress.

A. read B. read C. reading; to make D. to read

9. Children in Britain don’t have as ________ homework as children in China, but theirs is always a little bit ________.

A. heavy; easy B. many; difficult

C. much; heavy D. heavy; challenging

10. Though he was trained for three months, _______ he didn’t pass the exam.

A. but B. and C. still D. so

III.根据中文意思完成下列句子(5 题)

1.If you are not satisfied with the bike you bought here last week, we’ll be ______________ (非常乐意) to return your money.

2. __________________, she burst into tears.

3. He likes the birthday presents ________________ (他父母买给他的).

4. Most of his students _________________________ (已成为他的朋友).

5. ___________________________________________ (无论学生想要锻炼还是只要快乐), they can use our gym.

IV.课文拓展练习(完形填空 1 篇)

Children start school when they are five years old in America. In some states they must stay in school 11 they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they __12_ high school. There are 13 kinds of school in America: public schools and private (私立的)schools. Most children go to 14 schools. Their parents do not have to pay for their 15 , because the schools receive money from the country. If a child goes to a private school, his parents have to get 16_ money for his schooling. Some parents still prefer private schools, though they are much 17 .

Kids have less _18_ time. They spend more hours in school. They take 19_ in organized activities such as soccer and ballet(芭蕾舞). They spend a quarter of their free time watching TV. If they are spending less time in front of the TV set, __20__, kids aren’t replacing it with reading. All work and no play could be very __21__ for kids.

Today about half of the high school students go on to 22 after they finish the high school. A student at a state university doesn’t have to pay very much if his parents live in that __23 .

But many students __24 while they are studying at universities. In this way they _25__ their good working skills(技能) and live on their own.

11. A. until B. when C. before D. after

12. A. study B. attend C. graduate D. leave

13. A. three B. two C. some D. many

14. A. both B. private C. public D. no

15. A. school B. tips C. education D. food

16. A. less B. enough C. too much D. a number of

17. A. more expensive B. modern C. better D. cheaper

18. A. free B. school C. work D. wonderful

19. A. care B. notes C. away D. part

20. A. but B. and C. however D. so

21. A. bad B. good C. lucky D. important

22. A. work B. their homes C. foreign countries D. universities

23. A. university B. state C. country D. U.S.A.

24. A. look for work B. travel C. work D. write

25. A. develop B. raise C. rise D. increase


I.单项选择 (10 题)

1. To his mother’s joy, the little boy _________ an interest in drawing horses when he was at kindergarten.

A. found B. got C. learned D. developed.

2. In many small restaurants people are served rice _______ while the dishes cost a lot.

A. for free B. freely C. in free D. by freely

3. She’s just _________ from the School of Cookery.

A. graduating B. graduated C. leaving D. left

4. You’d better _________ what I am doing, or you’ll have difficulty with your homework

A. listen to B. see C. learn D. pay attention to

5. His father was kept _______ of any news from him when he was in the army.

A. receiving B. telling C. informed D. given

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